Mindful Craft workshops

Mindful Craft Workshops

At Mindful Craft Workshops, we seamlessly integrate the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness with the joy of crafting to enhance mental well-being.

Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, aligns perfectly with crafting, which immerses us in the creative process and the present moment.

Why Mindful crafting?

  • Expression: Crafting keeps us anchored in the present, providing a direct and tangible way to express our thoughts and emotions.
  • Each craft project is unique, reflecting the creator's desires and ideas at that moment, making every piece a personal journey.
  • Engaging in mindful crafting can reduce stress, enhance focus, and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Our Workshops

We offer packages of mindful craft workshops tailored to suit the needs and abilities of our participants. During these sessions, we discuss the mental health benefits of crafting, drawing from both evidence-based practices and personal experiences.

Discovering the crafts that resonate with you is a journey of exploration. Not every craft will align with every individual's preferences, but through experimentation, you can uncover the creative pursuits that truly speak to you.

Who can Benefit?

Our workshops are available to a diverse range of groups, including:

  • Early Childhood Centers: Introducing young children to mindfulness and creativity through age-appropriate crafts.

  • Schools: Encouraging creativity and mindfulness in students.

  • Youth Organizations: Providing a constructive outlet for young people.

  • Clubs for Young People or Adults: Fostering creativity and mindfulness in a community setting.

  • Businesses: Enhancing employee well-being and team-building.

  • Healthcare Settings: Supporting residents in nursing homes and other care facilities.


We are based in South Wales and are committed to bringing mindful crafting to various communities and settings within the region.

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